Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy My Applications

Currently the content provided by sinicistudios22 is free. The policies that must be complied with and how we use the data contained in this application are as follows: Information We Collect, Information Security, Display Advertising.

Information We Collect
The list of information we collect is in the form of "INTERNET NETWORK STATUS INFORMATION", "WIFI STATUS INFORMATION", "USER LOCATION INFORMATION", "DATA WRITING OF HANDPHONE STORAGE DEVICES". The third information we collect for the purpose of advertising.

Appearance of advertisements requires checking the internet connection either through Wi-Fi networks or through Non Wi-Fi. We also collect user location information data with the aim of advertising targets that are relevant to the user country of our application. As for writing data, we do it if needed, for example to save the results of screenshoot in some applications that do require these features. We also store general data such as the most values, the last value, audio settings or other settings in the game or application.
Some of our applications may collect user data in the form of name, email, image url, google plus profile through the Google Plus API or similar API for the purpose of our user maintenance and we send the latest product information. As for every user who uses our application, they automatically agree to this policy. We will continue to maintain the confidentiality of this information and we will not share it with third parties.

Information Security

Regarding information security, we only use internet network status to capture ad images. And it was emphasized that the retrieval of this status should not interfere with any privacy data held by the user.
Regarding the user's location information, we only collect it for the purpose of adjusting advertisements to suit the user state of our application or game. We do not provide this information to anyone except to the AdNetwork that we work with. Henceforth the use by the AdNetwork is beyond our responsibility.
Writing data on the device, we also guarantee that we do not write data that is not related to applications or games. We use this feature to record permanently and the things that are supposed to be recorded can be read again when the application is closed and reopened.

Display Ads
The products we provide are in the form of free applications or games, so users must be prepared to see advertisements in our products. As for the ads that we show, we have adjusted the categories for children or according to our application targets. But we still cannot fully control, because the ad content selection remains entirely on the part of AdNetwork.
We continue to try our best to deal with it so that the ads remain in accordance with the target user. The advertisement is not intended to interfere. But advertising is a form of responsibility that must be accepted by users because they have used our application or game for free (not paid).
